Research and training in applied neuropsychology 



Get rid of your stress, anxiety or depression during 3-5 sessions. Read the independent report on Neurocoaching HERE

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For 10 years we have specialized in online therapy and coaching.


Call +45 7027 6100 and order a 15 minutes trial session for free.




1.Are you suffering from anxiety, OCD, stress, depression, grief, anger, heartache or eating disorder? And are you tired of just getting your symptoms treated?

2. Then we together identify the biological causes under your symptoms – and correct them. The main cause underlying the above mentioned symptoms is typically that your stress system has become hypersensitive. Like an alarm that is adjusted too sensitively and therefore provides you with false alarms.

3. Are you impatient for results? We provide you with simple tools you can use right away – positively affecting both you and those around you.

4. Do you have a lot to lose by just letting your problems control your life? Then change everything today. All emotions are created by parts of your own brain. And if you can create your emotions, with the right techniques you can of course also change them. And at the same time turn on your resources. So you can take back control and demand back your freedom and your quality of life!

5. Do you prefer to act on the basis of solid knowledge and proven methods? We run our program on 3 levels, so it not only makes logical sense to your conscious part of the brain, but is also understood by the older parts of your brain responsible for your emotions. They do not understand normal language (whether Danish nor English), but they do understand images and physical sensations. And once you start involving these parts of your brain, things start to get moving really fast!

Interested? Then call + 45 70 27 61 00 or read more 

Neurocoaching is a neuropsychological training program based on the brains biological way to function. Our training program has shown to eliminate or greatly reduce most mental disorders and social inheritance – by making the different parts of the brain cooperate more efficiently as well as by removing traumas and negative patterns that have made your brain’s stress and alarm system hypersensitive. Neurocoaching has been demonstrated on Danish television and the training program is based on international research from i.a. 3 Nobel laureates.

The quality assurance institute Tapfreelance has documented that the average customer with Neurocoaching moves from a level of depression to above the Danish average in well-being in approx. 4 sessions. See the report here.





1. Before you start, we offer you a trial session so you can feel the difference before deciding.

2. Then you and your Neurocoach take on the roles of detectives to identify the root of your problems. Instead of being a passive patient, you are now an active member of a team where the goal is your goal.


3. Next step is your Neurocoach teaching you simple and concrete techniques so you can “overwrite” the old traumas and patterns that made your stress- and alarm system hypersensitive. And you learn how to handle new challenges in a more appropriate way so that you yourself can control the chemistry of your nervous system.

4. From this point on regard your Neurocoach as your personal trainer, with whom you evaluate on a regular basis. Training is essential because everything you train becomes stronger in your brain – no matter whether you train stress and anxiety or whether you train self confidence and joy. This is how the brain works – and it is even Nobel prize material from the year 2000.

5. Most Neurocoaching transformation processses consist of 3-5 sessions – a typical duration of the process is approx. 1 month. After the concluding session we arrange a follow up period for you of 6-12 months. And if you feel like it, you can even train together with other customers, who have been attending the same program. This ensures that Neurocoaching becomes a lifelong investment. Both for you and for those around you.

Read about prices and the typical HERE…

Interested? Then call + 457027610